How to Stop Procrastination?

Procrastination is a common problem and we all procrastinate on something or the other. Some of the common reasons why we procrastinate are as follows:

  1. When we do not see a value in a task also called as task aversion, we procrastinate. For example, a lot of people procrastinate on taking a shower or making their beds. Because for them, it is either boring or does not hold much value in their eyes
  2. We also procrastinate when the goal is vague or is far away. For example, if you are procrastinating on exercising then the goal you have is to be fit. Which is vague. So for this, you need to have concreate short term goals. It could be that I need to walk 4 kms today or I will go for my 4 kms walk at 6 pm.
  3. We also procrastinate when the goal is vague or is far away. For example, if you are procrastinating on exercising then the goal you have is to be fit. Which is vague. So for this, you need to have concreate short term goals. It could be that I need to walk 4 kms today or I will go for my 4 kms walk at 6 pm.
  4. Underlying issues like constant worries, sadness or anxiety and depression may also cause us to procrastinate on things because the driving thoughts could be : “ I am fearful of that, or I have a fear of failure, I will fail – so let me not do it”. Another thought could be : “ Because I failed at the task last month and that caused me a lot of sadness, I do not want to do it”

These were the common reasons as to why we actually procrastinate. There are ways through which you can reduce procrastination and get things done.

Here are some ways on how to overcome procrastination :

  1. Mostly we procrastinate because we feel in a certain way : “I feel the task is boring, I do not feel like doing it now, I will do it tomorrow. I feel I will be terrible at it, so let me not do it”.   First and foremost, do not rely on the emotional mind. Rely on the action mind. Let the   emotional mind feel what it is feeling, and do the action any way. Try to separate the emotional mind from the action mind.
  2. Set short term goals. Make sure your goals are achievable, realistic, and timed or are SMART ( Short, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed) goals
  3. For the tasks that you do not like, add something nice to them to make the experience better. For example, when organising, going for a shower, making the bed, put on some nice or your favourite music.
  4. Remove distractions. When you want to do a particular task, make sure there is no distractibility. Keep phones away and put them on silent.
  5. Have a things to do list and prioritize. Give numbers to each task depending on the importance and priority. Do the no.1 task first thing in the morning.
  6. Make things easier for you to get started: Try to have a things to do list a night before so that when you wake up, you know what is it that you need to do. If you want to study or work on a project, Keep the chapter open, have your notebook open with a pen so that it is easier for you to start on a task.

Source: Learning from HabitStrong BootCamp!

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