10 Reasons why you’re not reaching your Goals?

Setting a Goal is easy, reaching it is hard. Below are 10 reasons why you are not reaching your Goals:

  1. You’re not specific: Being specific allows you to measure success or failure. Being specific also helps you to easily know if you are on right track or not
  2. You forget your ”WHY”: The motivation for your goal is very important. It’s important to write down your Goal and the reason you want to achieve it – and read the goal and your WHY on daily basis.
  3. You’re not tracking it: Ever wondered a plane or ship without a radar system ? Without tracking you won’t know your progress and hence you might lose track of it.
  4. You didn’t set a deadline: Until you set deadline, you might keep on procrastinating it. Set reasonable deadline and make commitment.
  5. You’re not making it tiny: Your big Goal is to set the vision. But until you break your goal into tiny steps, you won’t go ahead. To climb the whole staircase you just need to see the next few steps clearly.
  6. You have too many Goals: Having too many goals is as bad as having no goals. Focus on 1 or at-max 2 big Goals.
  7. You’re not creating the right environment: If you want to lose weight, you can’t keep ice cream in your fridge. To support your Goal, your environment should be adjusted accordingly.
  8. You’re are holding onto limiting beliefs: We’re often our own worst enemy. Overcome your limiting beliefs by writing an empowering belief (opposite of limiting belief) against each of your limiting beliefs and read it daily. Observe why you say “I can’t” and note it down – That is your limiting belief.
  9. You let others create doubt: If you are trying to achieve something big, your friends and family can be your biggest roadblock. Don’t let others opinion make any impact on you. Know your WHY and remind it to yourself daily.
  10. You lack Resilience: Anything worth achieving which is not achieved by majority will definitely require work and effort which is not common. You need to just stick around your Goals for longer duration and work consistently towards it.

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