10 Must Read Books in Your 20s

I deeply believe reading is extremely essential for our personal growth. But I didn’t have this belief a few years back. I cultivated the habit of reading books pretty late in my life. First, I started reading random stuff on Quora when I was in sophomore year. Slowly, I started reading some self-help books and eventually fell in love with reading.

The thought that “you can learn anything you want to” is so liberating. We need to deeply understand that our brain is just like any other muscle of our body. The more you use, the stronger it gets. And the lesser you use, the weaker it gets.

What lifting dumbbells does to your arm muscles, reading books (or solving analytical problems) does to your brain.

In this blog post I am sharing the top 10 books (in no order) that you must read in your 20s. 

Let’s begin:

1. The subtle art of not giving a f*ck

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It is one of the best humour filled life books where it simply tells that we should not take load on everything, we should not react too much to everything. It’s actually ok to be a loser in life. It’s a fascinating book by Mark Manson.

2. The Alchemist

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It’s a very sweet and short novel which talks about how if we wholeheartedly wish for something then things do move to make it happen.

3. Man’s Search for Meaning

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It’s a biography of Victor Frankl. He was a Jewish who was kept in concentration camp. While he was there he saw deaths, depression and hopelessness around but despite all this, he tried to find meaning in his life. If someone read this book in 20s then he/she definitely gets a perspective and clarity around what life actually is.

4. How to win friends and influence people

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It’s Non-fiction. It’s a very practical book which talks about going about making relationships and friendships. It talks about how you can influence people through your personality and communication.

5. Linchpin

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It’s a self help book by Seth Godin. He is one of the best deep thinkers. In this book he talks about how in organisation you can become a very important part. Organisation is just like a machine made up of small parts. Seth says that you can actually make a difference by the way you approach your work.

6. Start with why

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It’s a business book by Simon Sinek. It talks about how great leaders inspire everyone to take action. They do so by his very famous theory of starting with why. Whatever smart leaders do in life, they question it with “why”. Because they are able to answer “why” properly therefore answering “how” and “what” gets easily figured out eventually. Choosing a career, choosing a partner etc., everything should be reasoned with “why”.

7. Mindset

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It’s one of my favourite self-help books. This book actually put a deep impact on the way I approach learning in my life. This book talks about fixed mindset vs growth mindset and reasons that how we should adopt growth mindset. It’s a very liberating book which gives you a thought process that you can learn anything you want.

8. A short history of nearly everything

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It’s a non-fiction book. It’s a fun read which gives a summary of Big Bang to all that is happening in the world today. In this book all the important things happened in this world are explained in a beautiful way

9. Sapiens

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It’s another must read non-fiction which talks about the history and the future of humankind. It talks about how money was started, why did agricultural revolution start, how religion began and what’s it’s important. It’s a brilliant book

10. Rock Dad Poor Dad

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It’s on personal finance. This book gives you clarity about your money. Our parents ever tell us about money and this book is the best way to understand things about money.

Let me know your Favourite book. In case you think that I have missed any great book, do let me know in the comment below.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Japnit

    Amazing recommendation of Books Raghav. I have read a few out of the list so far.

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