One Quality You Need To Possess To WIN

There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.

Napoleon Hill

I am sure there have been instances in your life when you started working on some project with great excitement only to realise after a few days or weeks that the excitement has worn out. It has happened to me many times. We are not able to commit to our projects which we start. What could be the reason for this?

Great results in life require great commitments. But the main question is from where does this level of commitment come? I am sure it doesn’t come from watching motivational videos!

The answer to this question is – Meaning and Purposethe core reasons WHY you act and continue to act even in the times of hardships, boredom, criticism.

Whatever your WHYs are for any work you do, they must be strong enough to make you take actions obsessively. Which WHYs will compel you to work on weekends when your friends are partying? 

Don’t confuse a WHY with a DESIRE. DESIRES are often superficial and transient, whereas WHYs are firm and transcendent through time.

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